Nigerian Languages’ Studies journal (NILAS) is a publication of National Institute for Nigerian Languages Aba dedicated to the promotion, development and documentation of all Nigerian languages. The journal came into existence in 2015. It is an annual publication. Each volume has a particular theme and sub-themes selected by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts are got either from conferences organised by the Institute or, call for papers made any year there is no conference. Manuscripts could be written in English or in any Nigerian Language. Contributors are from different language groups as could be seen in already published volumes.
Print ISSN: 1117-1812
Current Issue
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): The Language Provisions of the National Policy on Education over the Years
The 2016 National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) conference was a very remarkable one. It was blessed by the presence and participation of Nigerian foremost linguist, and founding father of NINLAN, Professor Emeritus Ayô Bámgbósé. The theme of the conference is also remarkable; The Language Provisions of the National Policy on Education over the Years. It attracted, predictably, many scholars from all over the country. This edition of NILAS is a filter of leading ideas of the theme. Professor Emeritus Ayô Bámgbósé, in the keynote address, gave a thought-provoking analysis of the theme and the non-implementation of the undoubtedly sound ideas concerning our indigenous languages. Lead papers by Professor Kunle Adeniran, Professor Eno-Abasi Urua and Ore Yusuf discuss consequential issues emanating from the policy, the non-implementation, and possible ways forward.
Most other conference papers are directly related to the policy, as it affects the non-major languages. Other areas covered include language policy, language teaching, issues of translation and terminologies, and the role of the media in the development of our indigenous languages. There were core linguistic papers too. Most importantly, all the articles, no matter the domain, are geared towards the development and promotion of Nigerian languages which is the raison d’être of NINLAN.
For this and all else, we are very grateful to all our contributors, the Editorial Board and our evaluators. We look forward to your usual cooperation in the future.
Ijioma, Ngozi P. PhD
Published: 2016-09-02