Author Guidelines
NILAS is a journal of the National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NILAN) devoted to the promotion of Nigerian language studies. It publishes well-researched and original articles on languages of Nigeria.
The aim of producing this hard copy is to reach all those who may not readily have access to the Internet. NILAS accepts papers that promote the study, promotion and development of Nigerian languages. Submission may include scholarly articles, review articles, book reviews and reports.
Manuscript could be written in English or in any Nigerian language and must not be more than fifteen pages, clearly typed with Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced with one-inch margin on all sides. Articles should include an abstract of not more than 300 words and a biography of not more than three lines specifying full name, title, institutional affiliation, phone/email of author(s).
Authors are required to type their tables on separate sheets and their positions indicated by a marginal note in the text. All tables should indicate their sources typed below. Tables and diagrams should be numbered appropriately. NILAS uses APA referencing style. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor changes in any manuscript to meet the house style of the journal. The editors will assume that any article submitted to NILAS has neither been published nor being considered for publication elsewhere.
All manuscripts for publication should be submitted through the journal website or sent to: The Editor, NILAS, National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba. P. M. B., 7078, Abia State or electronically to the email address: